
Did you know that some infectious diseases in pets are incurable? Fortunately, vaccinations can protect your furry companions from these and other serious illnesses. Westside Animal Hospital in Cincinnati offers veterinary services, including vaccinations for dogs and cats. Let's delve into why these vaccines are crucial for keeping your pets safe and healthy!


Understanding How Vaccines Protect Your Pet

Similar to how your immune system fights off illness, your pet's immune system works to protect them from disease. However, some diseases can overwhelm a pet's immune system, leading to life-threatening illness. Vaccinations help prepare your pet's immune system to recognize and effectively fight off specific pathogens (disease-causing organisms) by exposing them to a weakened or inactive form of the disease. This "training" allows the immune system to develop antibodies that can quickly combat the real disease if encountered in the future.

Core and Non-Core Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

Not all vaccines are mandatory or necessary for every pet. Core vaccinations are highly recommended to protect your pet from widespread and serious diseases. Non-core vaccinations may be recommended based on your pet's lifestyle and risk factors.

Core Vaccinations for Dogs:

•             Rabies: This deadly viral disease affects the nervous system and is fatal without treatment.

•             DHPP: This combination vaccine protects against four major diseases: distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, and parainfluenza.

Non-Core Vaccinations for Dogs:

•             Canine influenza: This respiratory illness is highly contagious among dogs.

•             Lyme disease: Transmitted by ticks, Lyme disease can cause joint pain, fever, and kidney problems.

•             Bordetella (Kennel cough): This contagious respiratory illness can cause coughing and congestion.

•             Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease can be spread through contact with infected animals or contaminated water.

Core Vaccinations for Cats:

•             Rabies: Just like for dogs, rabies is a deadly disease for cats.

•             Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) (kittens): This virus can cause a variety of illnesses in cats, so vaccination is especially recommended for kittens.

•             FCV (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia): This combination vaccine protects against upper respiratory infections and a serious intestinal disease.

Non-Core Vaccinations for Cats:

•             Bordetella: Similar to the canine version, this vaccine helps prevent kennel cough in cats.

•             Chlamydia felis: This bacterial infection can cause conjunctivitis (eye inflammation).

•             Feline leukemia (cats over a year old): Vaccination for adult cats with outdoor access or exposure to other cats with unknown FeLV status may be recommended.

Find a Trusted Veterinarian for Pet Vaccinations in Cincinnati, OH

Looking for a veterinarian near you for pet vaccinations? Westside Animal Hospital is here to help! Call us at (513) 574-5000 to schedule an appointment and ensure your furry friend stays healthy and protected throughout their life.