Pet Anesthesia

Pet Anesthesia

Bringing your pet to the veterinarian can be stressful, not only for your pet but also for you. At Westside Animal Hospital, we understand that bringing your pet to the veterinarian for a procedure, such as neutering, can be a source of concern, particularly when it comes to anesthesia. Westside Animal Hospital provides a wide range of veterinary care to pet owners in and around Cincinnati. The use of anesthesia is common in veterinary medicine and is necessary for various types of care. Here is more information to put your mind at ease.

Anesthesia Is Safe

When a pet is placed under anesthesia by a veterinarian at an animal hospital, it is a safe procedure. Advancements in technology and veterinary care have made anesthesia safer than ever before. When you bring your pet in for a neuter or other surgical procedure, you can rest assured that your pet is in safe hands at Westside Animal Hospital.

We prioritize your pet's safety above all else. Before your pet undergoes anesthesia, careful testing, such as blood work, is performed to ensure your pet is healthy enough for the procedure, and any unexpected issues that could harm your pet are addressed. If a major health concern is discovered, it will be addressed before any further planned surgery or care.

When You Need an Animal Hospital in Cincinnati, OH

Are you looking for a veterinarian near me? At Westside Animal Hospital, we aim to be your preferred veterinarian in Cincinnati. With over four decades of experience caring for pets throughout every stage of life, we understand that your pets are part of your family. We are here to help them lead long and healthy lives. When you need pet care, we are dedicated to providing you with the quality of care you expect and that your pet deserves.